Instantaneous Pulsed-Light Cross-Linking of a Polymer Gate Dielectric for Flexible Organic Thin-Film Transistors

Soo Jin Kim, Mi Jang, Hee Yeon Yang, Jinhan Cho, Ho Sun Lim, Hoichang Yang, Jung Ah Lim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

31 Scopus citations


We report the instantaneous pulsed-light cross-linking of polymer gate dielectrics on a flexible substrate by using intensely pulsed white light (IPWL) irradiation. Irradiation with IPWL for only 1.8 s of a poly(4-vinylphenol) (PVP) thin film with the cross-linking agent poly(melamine-co-formaldehyde) (PMF) deposited on a plastic substrate was found to yield fully cross-linked PVP films. It was confirmed that the IPWL-cross-linked PVP films have smooth pinhole-free surfaces and exhibit a low leakage current density, organic solvent resistance, and good compatibility with organic semiconductor, and that they can be used as replacements for typical PVP dielectrics that are cross-linked with time and energy intensive thermal heating processes. The synchronization of the IPWL irradiation with substrate transfer was found to enable the preparation of cross-linked PVP films on large area substrates with a highly uniform capacitance. Flexible OTFT based on IPWL-cross-linked PVP dielectrics were found to exhibit good electrical performance that is comparable to that of devices with thermally cross-linked PVP dielectric, as well as excellent deformation stability even at a bending radius of 3 mm.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)11721-11731
Number of pages11
JournalACS applied materials & interfaces
Issue number13
StatePublished - 5 Apr 2017

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2017 American Chemical Society.


  • cross-linking
  • flexible substrate
  • gate dielectric
  • intensely pulsed white light
  • organic thin-film transistors


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