Extension of Drosophila lifespan by Korean red ginseng through a mechanism dependent on dSir2 and insulin/IGF-1 signaling

Shin Hae Lee, Hye Yeon Lee, Mira Yu, Eunbyul Yeom, Ji Hyeon Lee, Ah Yoon, Kyu Sun Lee, Kyung Jin Min

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

17 Scopus citations


Many studies have indicated that Korean red ginseng (KRG) has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative effects, thereby inducing many health benefits in humans. Studies into the longevity effects of KRG are limited and have provided contradictory results, and the molecular mechanism of lifespan extension by KRG is not elucidated yet. Herein, the longevity effect of KRG was investigated in Drosophila melanogaster by feeding KRG extracts, and the molecular mechanism of lifespan extension was elucidated by using longevity-related mutant flies. KRG extended the lifespan of Drosophila when administrated at 10 and 25 μg/mL, and the longevity benefit of KRG was not due to reduced feeding, reproduction, and/or climbing ability in fruit flies, indicating that the longevity benefit of KRG is a direct effect of KRG, not of a secondary artifact. Diet supplementation with KRG increased the lifespan of flies on a full-fed diet but not of those on a restricted diet, and the longevity effect of KRG was diminished by the mutation of dSir2, a deacetylase known to mediate the benefits of dietary restriction. Similarly, the longevity effect of KRG was mediated by the reduction of insulin/IGF-1 signaling. In conclusion, KRG extends the lifespan of Drosophila through Sir2 and insulin/IGF-1 signaling and has potential as an anti-aging dietary-restriction mimetic and prolongevity supplement.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)9369-9387
Number of pages19
Issue number21
StatePublished - 2019

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© Lee et al.


  • Drosophila melanogaster
  • Insulin/IGF-1 signaling
  • Korean red ginseng
  • Lifespan
  • Sir2


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