Effect of the Particle Size and Layer Thickness of GNP Fillers on the Dielectric Properties and Actuated Strain of GNP–PDMS Composites

Jin Sung Seo, Do Hyeon Kim, Heon Seob Jung, Ho Dong Kim, Jaewon Choi, Minjae Kim, Sung Hyeon Baeck, Sang Eun Shim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Dielectric elastomer actuators (DEAs), a type of electroactive polymers (EAPs), are smart materials that are used in various fields such as artificial muscles and biomimetic robots. In this study, graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs), which are conductive carbon fillers, were added to a widely used DEA, namely, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), to improve its low actuated strain. Four grades of GNPs were used: H5, H25, M5, and M25 (here, the number following the letter indicates the average particle size of the GNPs in μm). The average layer thickness of the H grade is 13–14 nm and that of the M grade is 5–7 nm. PDMS composites were prepared by adding 0.5, 1, 2, and 3 wt% of each GNP, following which the mechanical properties, dielectric properties, and actuated strain of the composites were measured. The mechanical properties were found to increase as the particle size increased. Regarding the dielectric characteristics, it was found that the higher the aspect ratio of the filler, the easier the formation of a micro-capacitor network in the composite—this led to an increase in the dielectric constant. In addition, the higher amounts of GNPs in the composites also led to an increase in the dielectric constant. For the actuated strain analysis, the electromechanical sensitivity was calculated using the ratio of the dielectric constant to the Young’s modulus, which is proportional to the strain. However, it was found that when the loss tangent was high, the performance of the actuated strain decreased owing to the conversion of electric energy into thermal energy and leakage current loss. As a result, the highest actuated strain was exhibited by the M25 composite, with an actuated strain value of 3.01% measured at a low electric field (<4 kV/mm). In conclusion, we proved that the GNP–PDMS composites with a thin layer and large particle size exhibited high deformation.

Original languageEnglish
Article number3824
Issue number18
StatePublished - Sep 2022

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 by the authors.


  • actuated strain
  • composite
  • dielectric constant
  • dielectric elastomer actuator
  • electro active polymers
  • graphene nanoplatelets
  • loss tangent
  • polydimethylsiloxane


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