Cultivation of Chlorella sp. HS2 using wastewater from soy sauce factory

Minsik Kim, Sang Ah Lee, Jin Ho Yun, So Ra Ko, Dae Hyun Cho, Hee Su Kim, Hee Mock Oh, Hee Sik Kim, Chi Yong Ahn

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


Incorporation of wastewater from industrial sectors into the design of microalgal biorefineries has significant potential for advancing the practical application of this emerging industry. This study tested various food industrial wastewaters to assess their suitability for microalgal cultivation. Among these wastewaters, defective soy sauce (DSS) and soy sauce wastewater (SWW) were chosen but DSS exhibited the highest nutrient content with 13,500 ppm total nitrogen and 3051 ppm total phosphorus. After diluting DSS by a factor of 50, small-scale cultivation of microalgae was conducted to optimize culture conditions. SWW exhibited optimal growth at 25–30 °C and 300–500 μE m−2 s−1, while DSS showed optimal growth at 30–35 °C. Based on a 100-mL lab-scale and 3-L outdoor cultivation with an extended cultivation period, DSS outperformed SWW, exhibiting higher final biomass productivity. Additionally, nutrient-concentrated nature of DSS is advantageous for transportation at an industrial scale, leading us to select it as the most promising feedstock for microalgal cultivation. With further optimization, DSS has the potential to serve as an effective microalgal cultivation feedstock for large-scale biomass production.

Original languageEnglish
Article number140162
StatePublished - Nov 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 The Authors


  • Defective soy sauce
  • Microalgae
  • Phycoremediation
  • Soy sauce wastewater
  • Wastewater treatment


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