A case study of wellness IT: Therapeutic horseback riding

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Recently, there has been an increasing interest and demand for an effective use of leisure time. Many Koreans especially enjoy horseback riding as one way of spending leisure time. Some scholars noticed psychological, social, and emotional benefits produced by horseback riding because it is connected with various aspects of human movement and a special connection with an animal. Therefore, this study first aims to investigate how horseback riding has special meaning as a recreation therapy. In addition, this investigation will develop a horseback riding therapy program designed for the well-being and happiness of individuals. Following "screen golf" that heralded the age of indoor golf by grafting golf with IT technology, the age of indoor horse-riding is coming into existence. That is, the so called 'screen horse-riding' that enables indoor horse-riding can accelerate the popularization of horse-riding. The basic concept of the 'screen horse-riding' is the robotic terminology that is used in the rodeo games. To put it easily, one only needs to conjure up the image of horse-riding game machine in an amusement park However, 'screen horse-riding' is different in the sense that the cutting edge IT technologies are utilized to create virtual reality that is very similar to the actual horse-riding experience. Likewise, its effect as sports is optimized instead of stopping merely at providing amusing experience.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2013 International Conference on IT Convergence and Security, ICITCS 2013
StatePublished - 2013
Event2013 3rd International Conference on IT Convergence and Security, ICITCS 2013 - Macau, China
Duration: 16 Dec 201318 Dec 2013

Publication series

Name2013 International Conference on IT Convergence and Security, ICITCS 2013


Conference2013 3rd International Conference on IT Convergence and Security, ICITCS 2013


  • 3D platform
  • Converged contents
  • Therapeutic horseback
  • Wellness IT


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