2012.02 한양대학교(학사)/기계공학
2014.02 한양대학교(석사)/기계공학
2018.09 Univ. of Minnesota(박사)/기계공학
▶ Fundamental Study of Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration of Liquid-borne Nanoparticles: Experiments and Models, 2018
▶ Semi-empirical equation for determining the pressure drop of nanofibers, SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY, 324권, pp. 124585, 2023
▶ Development of a two-column particle sizer (TC-PS) for simultaneous measurements of particle concentration and size distribution, AEROSOL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 57권,9호, pp. 903~910, 2023
▶ Accurate measurements of particle emissions from a three-dimensional printer using a chamber test with a mixer-installed sampling system, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 13권, pp. 6495, 2023
▶Development of a detection system for gas-phase aromatics and other molecules ionizable by soft X-rays demonstrated using methyl salicylate, AEROSOL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2023
▶ Modeling pressure drop values across ultra?thin nanofiber filters with various ranges of filtration parameters under an aerodynamic slip effect, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 13권, pp. 5449, 2023
▶ Numerical study of nanoparticle penetration characteristics in forked tubes using tracking particle identification, POWDER TECHNOLOGY, 415권, pp. 118172, 2023
▶ A new evaluation method of three different low-cost dust sensors using exponentially decaying particle concentrations, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH, 27권,5호, pp. 200501, 2022
▶ Hydrothermal synthesis of CuO@MnO2 on nitrogen-doped multiwalled carbon nanotube composite electrodes for supercapacitor applications, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 12권,1호, pp. 12951, 2022
▶ Estimate of the critical exposure time based on 70 confirmed COVID-19 cases, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY, 79권,5호, pp. 492~498, 2021
▶ Application of an aerosol electrical mobility spectrum analyzer: Charged-particle polarity ratio measurement in the Antarctic and Arctic regions, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, 105권, pp. 81~89, 2021
▶Ultrasonication-mediated nitrogen-doped multiwalled carbon nanotubes involving carboxy methylcellulose composite for solid-state supercapacitor applications, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 11권,1호, 2021
▶ Numerical investigation of nanoparticle deposition location and pattern on a sharp-bent tube wall, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, 164권, 2021
▶ Effects of exponentially decaying and growing concentrations on particle size distribution from a scanning mobility particle sizer, AEROSOL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 54권,10호, pp. 1135~1143, 2020
▶ Experimental study of nanoparticle transport and penetration efficiency on a sharp-bent tube (elbow connection), INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, 155권, 2020
▶ Effects of filter structure, flow velocity, particle concentration and fouling on the retention efficiency of ultrafiltration for sub-20 nm gold nanoparticles, SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY, 241권, 2020
▶ Development of a new nanoparticle sizer equipped with a 12-channel multi-port differential mobility analyzer and multi-condensation particle counters, ATMOSPHERIC MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES, 13권,3호, pp. 1551~1562, 2020
▶Development of a toroidal-shaped differential mobility analyzer for effective measurements of airborne particles: Experiment and modeling, AEROSOL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 54권,4호, pp. 367~380, 2020
▶Numerical simulation of a multi-port differential mobility analyzer (MP-DMA) used in a real-time nano-particle sizer (NPS), POWDER TECHNOLOGY, 362권, pp. 135~144, 2020
▶ Extensive evaluation and classification of low-cost dust sensors in laboratory using a newly developed test method, INDOOR AIR, 30권,1호, pp. 137~146, 2020
▶ Nanofiber Filter Performance Improvement: Nanofiber Layer Uniformity and Branched Nanofiber, AEROSOL AND AIR QUALITY RESEARCH, 20권,1호, pp. 80~88, 2020
▶Characterization of colloidal nanoparticles in mixtures with polydisperse and multimodal size distributions using a particle tracking analysis and electrospray-scanning mobility particle sizer, POWDER TECHNOLOGY, 355권, pp. 18~25, 2019
▶ Modeling transport of colloidal particles through polydisperse fibrous membrane filters under unfavorable chemical and physical conditions, POWDER TECHNOLOGY, 355권, pp. 7~17, 2019
▶Influence of colloidal particles with bimodal size distributions on retention and pressure drop in ultrafiltration membranes, SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY, 222권, pp. 352~360, 2019
▶ Predicting collision efficiencies of colloidal nanoparticles in single spherical and fibrous collectors using an individual particle tracking method, SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY, 222권, pp. 202~213, 2019
▶Deposition and reentrainment of colloidal particles in disordered fibrous filters under chemically and physically unfavorable conditions, JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE, 582권, pp. 322~334, 2019
▶ Modeling of fibrous filter media for ultrafine particle filtration, SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY, 209권, pp. 461~469, 2019
▶ Retention mechanisms of 1.7 nm ZnS quantum dots and sub-20 nm Au nanoparticles in ultrafiltration membranes, JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE, 567권, pp. 58~67, 2018
▶The effect of filtered nanoparticles on gas filtration efficiency of granular activated carbons, CARBON, 121권, pp. 63~71, 2017
▶ Evaluation of concentration measurement techniques of colloidal nanoparticles for microfiltration and ultrafiltration applications: Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, nanoparticle tracking analysis and electrospray-scannirig mobility particle sizer, SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY, 184권, pp. 34~42, 2017
▶Liquid filtration of nanoparticles through track-etched membrane filters under unfavorable and different ionic strength conditions: Experiments and modeling, JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE, 524권, pp. 682~690, 2017
▶ Cyclone performance on removing fibrous particles generated from terry-towels and cotton clothes, POWDER TECHNOLOGY, 262권, pp. 36~41, 2014
▶ Particle Deposition Velocity Onto EUVL Masks in Vertical Airflow, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING, 27권, pp. 417~421, 2014
▶ Effect of a Horizontal Inlet on the Collection Efficiency of a Rectangular-Slit-Nozzle Impactor, AEROSOL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 48권, pp. 649~654, 2014
▶Effect of an Orifice on Collection Efficiency and Wall Loss of a Slit Virtual Impactor, AEROSOL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 48권, pp. 121~127, 2014
▶Deposition of Charged Particles on a Flat Plate in Parallel Flow in the Presence of an Electric Field, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING, 27권, pp. 287~293, 2014
▶Deposition velocity of particles in charge equilibrium onto a flat plate in parallel airflow under the influence of simultaneous electrophoresis and thermophoresis, JOURNAL OF AEROSOL SCIENCE, 67권, pp. 166~176, 2014
▶Particle deposition on face-up flat plates in parallel airflow under the combined influences of thermophoresis and electrophoresis, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY, 61권,7호, pp. 1028~1036, 2012
▶The effects of simultaneous electrophoresis and thermophoresis on particulate contamination of an inverted EUVL photomask surface in parallel airflow, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS, 127권, 2012
◈ 서훈/표창/수상
▶우수발표상, 한국환경분석학회, 2023.11.03.
▶우수논문발표상, 한국입자에어로졸학, 2023.06.29.
▶KSME-SEMES 오픈 이노베이션 챌린지, 대한기계학회, 2022.11.10.
▶우수포스터 발표상, 한국입자에어로졸학회, 2022.06.30.